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This book discusses the development of API Services using GraphQL on top of the ASP.NET Core framework. GraphQL is a language for querying or manipulating resources or data against data sources such as databases. In addition, graphql also provides a runtime for processing queries and other graphql objects. The language and runtime were originally built by Facebook in 2012 to be used internally. In 2015 graphql began to be published in open source to the public. GraphQL provides another alternative for developing api services besides those based on REST. Several leading companies including Facebook itself already use graphql such as github, pinterest, airbnb, paypal, twitter, and others.
The topics described in this book start from the explanation of graphql & core architecture; installation of the necessary libraries; creation of core web in visual studio; use of ef core for database access sql server & postgresql; use of queries and mutations; use of tools for graphql access; use of logging and data loaders; real-time services with subscription; implementation of core identity; use of jwt authentication; deployment; and many more.
There are several things that distinguish graphql from rest services, including:
- GraphQL provides data according to your needs, nothing less and nothing more.
- Output data properties or columns can be determined dynamically, in contrast to rest services that have determined data from any column to be displayed.
- GraphQL provides one endpoint for all resources or all data provided, in contrast to rest api that provides resources or data through multiple endpoints or multiple controllers.
- The data response displayed from graphql will be structurally the same as the data structure requested by the client.
- GraphQL can provide multiple resources or data in one request. Rest services should provide it with multiple urls.

The discussion in this book is carried out in stages, so that it is hoped that after studying it, readers will have sufficient skills or abilities to build GraphQL-based services with ASP.NET Core according to the needs in the field.

Here are the table of contents.

Some pictures of lab files in the book:

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Hopefully this book can be another alternative as a learning resource for exercises, tutorials, or a reference for those who want to learn the backend programming of GraphQL API Services with ASP.NET Core that is connected to SQL Server and PostgreSQL databases.