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 This book is one of the many sources that are spread outside to learn SQL and T-SQL programming in SQL Server databases that are compiled by focusing on the practice directly and based on the author's teaching experience during this time, so that readers are expected to better understand the concepts and practices of programming in SQL Server databases. By the time this book is written the SQL Server database has already reached version 2019, therefore this book is based on that version for use in Windows operating systems...
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 Alhamdulillah pada tanggal 17 April 2021 yang bertepatan dengan hari sabtu pada pukul 13.00-15.00 telah dilaksanakan webinar Digital Academy yang diselenggarakan oleh Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) Keluarga Mahasiswa IPB angkatan 55-57. Dalam webinar tersebut kebetulan saya menjadi pembicara dengan membawakan topik Microsoft 365. Acara tersebut diikuti oleh kurang lebih 120 peserta dari semua jurusan untuk angkatan 55-57...
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 This book is one of the many sources that are scattered outside to learn SQL and PL/pgSQL programming in the PostgreSQL database which is compiled with an emphasis on direct practice and is based on the author's teaching experience so far, so that readers are expected to better understand the concept and programming practice in PostgreSQL databases...
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 This book discusses the development of API Services using GraphQL on top of the ASP.NET Core framework. GraphQL is a language for querying or manipulating resources or data against data sources such as databases. In addition, graphql also provides a runtime for processing queries and other graphql objects. The language and runtime were originally built by Facebook in 2012 to be used internally. In 2015 graphql began to be published in open source to the public. GraphQL provides another alternative for developing api services besides those based on REST. Several leading companies including Facebook itself already use graphql such as github, pinterest, airbnb, paypal, twitter, and others...
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 Alhamdulillah akhirnya ebook terbaru yang saya tulis dengan judul Membangun GraphQL API Services dengan ASP.NET Core telah live atau publish di google play store dan google play book. Pembahasan pada buku ini dilakukan secara bertahap, sehingga diharapkan setelah mempelajarinya pembaca akan memiliki skill atau kemampuan yang cukup untuk membangun layanan berbasiskan GraphQL dengan ASP.NET Core sesuai dengan kebutuhan di lapangan...